Analysts of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) report that publicized news of the first deaths of ill-prepared mobilized russian servicemen in Ukraine have sparked new criticism of the russian military command.
russian media reported that five Chelyabinsk mobilized men had already died in the war in Ukraine just three weeks after putin announced partial mobilization on September 21.
The Kremlin continues to make efforts to divert attention from mobilization and military failures.
putin has also temporarily appeased his nationalist communities by launching missile strikes on Ukraine.
ISW notes that russian forces continued to strike critical Ukrainian infrastructure facilities on October 13.
According to the institute's analysts, russian troops probably continue to use Iranian Shahed-136 drones to support massive strike campaigns against critical Ukrainian infrastructure facilities due to their low effectiveness in active hostilities.
In addition, ISW suggests that the deterioration of morale, discipline and fighting capacity of russian forces in the combat zone in Ukraine may lead to a temporary suspension of offensive operations in certain areas.
At the same time, suspending offensive operations in the areas of the Donetsk region (actually the only ones in Ukraine where russian troops are conducting offensive operations) will make it even more difficult for russia to seize additional territories. It will probably contribute to further deterioration of morale and general depletion of military potential.
ISW's key takeaways
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