The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, said this in an interview with the German television company ZDF, Interfax-Ukraine.
"They will attack Ukraine's GTS. To avoid being blamed, they will commit a terrorist attack on their territory. They don't care what to blow up. They will blame us to hit our GTS.
He (putin – ed.) will tell Europe that there is no possibility (to supply gas), we need to launch Nord Stream 2, otherwise, Europe will be left without gas through Ukraine," the Head of State said.
Zelensky believes that if russia continues to undermine Europe's energy system, then a stable position is required from European countries.
"We will not launch Nord Stream 2, and we will not lift sanctions," the Ukrainian leader emphasized.
The kremlin has already reacted to these Zelensky's words.
putin's spokesman Dmytro Peskov responded to Zelensky's words about russia's plans to strike the gas transportation system.
"We are not in the habit of shooting ourselves in the foot," he emphasized.
We will remind that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during his speech before PACE deputies on October 13, called for such sanctions against the russian federation, as a result of which russia would see zero on its energy bills — both for gas and oil.
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