Ukraine is watching actions of Belarus and is ready for offensive — Ukraine’s Commander of Joint Forces

Ukraine constantly monitors the events in Belarus and is currently ready for a possible new offensive from its territory

This was stated by the Commander of the Joint Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Serhiy Nayev, on the air of the national unified news marathon.

The commander said that the level of military threat from Belarus is measured by the corresponding number, composition of the troops, and their combat potential. At the same time, something is measured by numbers, and something is measured by a measure of efficiency.

"The accumulation of relevant forces and means of russia, together with the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus, will create a threat of a repeated attack in the northern operational zone, in particular, on the city of Kyiv.

But the level of these military threats is constantly measured by our partners, the specified information is provided to us promptly, and we, as professional soldiers, react to the increase in the level of this military threat in the same way – we take measures to ensure that our troops are in the appropriate number with the necessary weapons, military equipment, and necessary higher combat potential.

As of now, we are ready for an offensive from the Republic of Belarus," Nayev emphasized.

The commander noted that the military understands that the troops accumulating on the territory of Belarus will increase their readiness and aggressiveness towards Ukraine.

Nayev explained that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy quickly advanced in the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions because all threatening directions were covered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in peacetime states. The enemy forces outnumbered the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

But after mobilization, the number of the Armed Forces became such that the offensive was stopped. And in the future, the defenders expelled the occupiers from the Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy regions.

He once again emphasized that as of October 13, the situation in the north of Ukraine "is fully under control, and the armed forces are "fully ready" for a possible new offensive.

It should be recalled that on October 12, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that in case of an invasion from the north, the enemy would be repulsed directly at the border.October 12, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that in case of an invasion from the north, the enemy would be repulsed directly at the border.

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