PACE recognized russia as terrorist regime

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution calling the russian federation a terrorist regime

European Pravda reports this.

The publication noted that the resolution was adopted unanimously.

99 members present in the hall voted for the adoption of the resolution, and one abstained.

We would like to remind you that on October 13, the autumn session of PACE will be held in Strasbourg. A document titled "Further Escalation in the russian federation's Aggression Against Ukraine" was presented at it.

It states that "this aggression must be unequivocally condemned as a crime in itself, as a violation of international law and as a major threat to international peace and security."

An amendment was made to the resolution proposing to "declare the russian federation a terrorist regime." During the voting, 79 deputies supported it, two were against it, and one abstained.

An amendment was also included in the resolution calling for air defense systems to be provided to Ukraine.

PACE became the first international organization to recognize russia as a terrorist state.

Before the PACE vote, President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke via video link, urging support for the resolution.

On Thursday, the head of the country spoke at the PACE session via video link and emphasized that the PACE could become the first international organization to recognize russia as a terrorist state.

"russia only wants to speak the language of terror. And this is a fact. This fact must be recognized at all levels. Politically, legally and on the battlefield in Ukraine, and by supporting our defense capabilities.

I thank you for the fact that PACE can become the first international organization that defines russia as a terrorist state," Zelensky said.

Also, the President of Ukraine noted that there can be no diplomacy with russia today.

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