Photographer: Stefanie Loos/Bloomberg
President Emmanuel Macron stated this in an interview with France 2, EP reports.
"Our doctrine rests on the fundamental interests of the nation. They are defined clearly and wouldn't be directly affected if, for example, there was a ballistic nuclear attack in Ukraine, in the region," Macron emphasized.
The journalist clarified whether this would lead to a nuclear response by France.
Macron answered in the affirmative: "It is obvious."
"I have always told the French people the truth…russia has nuclear weapons. So does France. Our doctrine on this issue is clear—deterrence works.
The less we talk about it, the less we fan the threat and the more we are trusted. Too many people are talking about it," Macron said.
Macron said Ukraine would receive another batch of French military aid in the coming weeks.
According to him, France is working on delivering six additional Caesar howitzers, which were to be transferred to Denmark, and anti-aircraft missiles "to protect Ukraine from missile strikes and drones."
It should be noted that NATO currently does not observe signs of russia's preparations for the possible use of nuclear weapons.
Also, French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Ukraine needed to restore its borders according to 1991.
"The goals (of Ukraine – ed.) are clear: to restore the borders of 1991. Therefore, the question is whether these military goals will be achieved only by military means.
The fact that we give them weapons does not mean we can decide for them," the French president emphasized.
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