European Parliament President: Ukraine should be given heavy armor and defense systems

Against the background of the new escalation of russian aggression, Ukraine needs to be provided with heavy weapons and defense systems.

As reported by Ukrinform, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, stated this in her speech at the EU ambassadors conference in Brussels on Tuesday.

"Ukrainians need to be able to defend themselves and us by extension. In this new, more dangerous phase of the war, they need the heavy armor and defense systems that will allow them to survive the onslaught. Because only if Ukraine is able to defend itself will we ever be able to be in a position to push for peace – a real peace, not one forced through blackmail. In Europe, we have long learned and understood that appeasement did not work, it does not work, and will never work," she said.

According to the European Parliament President, the EU should respond to the new escalation of the russian war of aggression, connected with the attempt to annex Ukrainian territories and massive missile attacks on Ukrainian cities, "with an effort to move further and help more."

Metsola emphasized that the European Union's response to the illegal, cruel and unjustified invasion of the russian federation into sovereign Ukraine must be "steadfast, strong, and unshakeable."

She pointed out that the Europeans' calculation that by involving russia in economic and energy relations, it would be possible to ensure peace failed. "Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but it is not real. The only thing we can do is learn the lessons and ensure we never repeat them," the President of the EP added.

She also noted that the invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine is "not only about territory. Nor is it only about russia and Ukraine. This is about two very different ways of life." In particular, it is about whether "multilateralism can still respond to the threats of unilateral aggression" and whether "rules-based order can push back against the concept of 'might is right.'"

Against this background, Metsola emphasized that the EU's position should be "emphatic defense of our European way."

"Putin thought he could break us, but instead, he strengthened our resolve," she added.

"Because only if Ukraine is able to defend itself will we ever be able to be in a position to push for peace – a real peace, not one forced through blackmail. In Europe, we have long learned and understood that appeasement did not work, it does not work, and will never work," she said.

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