What is the problem?
The Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve in the Kherson region has been under russian occupation since March 2022, but its team bravely remains in place and continues to provide animal care. But the long autumn-winter season is ahead, and the animals need help.
What is the solution?
Ukrainian brand RCR Khomenko, known to specialize in upcycled items and handmade prints, created a sticker pack for clothes to help the temporarily occupied Askania-Nova biosphere reserve in the Kherson region. By combining the social and environmental aspects, the brand offers to upcycle and give a second life to your clothes and simultaneously support the biosphere reserve.
"Askania Nova Reserve is a Ukrainian biosphere reserve that has been listed in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) by UNESCO. The biodiversity there is incredible: over 500 species of various plants and over 3000 animals. Its current area is 33.300 hectares, and it is rightfully considered the oldest steppe biosphere reserve on Earth and the largest in Europe," the brand explains and calls to help a unique Askania Nova in this challenging time.
How does it work?
The price of the sticker pack is $45. All profit from the sale will be directed to purchasing fodder and vegetables for animals for the autumn-winter period. You can buy it on the brand's website.
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