What is the problem?
Chernihiv Hospital No. 3 needs to restore the radiology department. As a result of the artillery bombardment of Chernihiv, which the russian army carried out again on March 13, a russian projectile entered the premises of the city hospital. It destroyed the X-ray department. Despite the damage, the hospital continues to provide necessary medical care to patients.
What is the solution?
Football club Dynamo (Kyiv) and fundraising platform UNITED24 signed a memorandum of cooperation. Within its limits, the club will transfer 250,000 pounds, collected during charity matches, to restore the destroyed department of Chernihiv City Hospital No. 3.
How does it work?
Chernihiv City Hospital will be the first UNITED24 project to rebuild social infrastructure, Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, announced.
"In this difficult time, the UNITED24 platform has become a reliable pillar and support for the medical system of Ukraine. In a short time, we adjusted the work and systematically purchased the necessary medical equipment for hospitals, particularly in the front-line regions. Restoring the radiology department is an opportunity to provide high-quality diagnostics and medical care for residents of the entire region," Viktor Liashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine, emphasized.
The meeting was attended by Vitalii Sivkov, the first vice-president of FC Dynamo (Kyiv), Maksym Radutskyi, director of development of FC Dynamo (Kyiv), and the goalkeeper of the capital club and the national football team of Ukraine, Heorhii Bushchan.
"Today's event for Dynamo is an official confirmation of our partnership with UNITED24, which has been ongoing since May. Thanks to the charity telethons Save Ukraine in May in Berlin and Embrace Ukraine in June in Amsterdam, which were organized by 1+1 media and other partners and us, C-arch X-ray machines were already purchased and installed. Our matches, like Match for Peace #StopWarInUkraine, were also charitable. A total of 15 matches took place. The game in Liverpool with FC Everton was a landmark. Thanks to this game and the football club president's support, the FC will restore the destroyed hospital in Chernihiv," Vitalii Sivkov, first vice-president of FC Dynamo (Kyiv).
Heorhii Bushchan thanked all the fans who came to charity matches in Europe and supported Ukraine.
"Match for peace #StopWarInUkraine, which took place in European countries, united millions of people. These were not just football games but real anti-war events that rallied the whole world around supporting Ukraine and helping victims of the war started by the russian federation. Thank you to all fans and benefactors for your support," Heorhii Bushchan, goalkeeper of FC Dynamo (Kyiv), emphasized.
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