This is reported by Wiadomości.
During the discussion of the concept of reducing energy prices, Morawiecki said that today Poland is under enormous tension connected with the war in Ukraine.
"We need to use the tools we have in our hands. It's like keeping gold bars in a safe in times of great financial trouble and not using them for the benefit of the people," Morawiecki explained.
The Prime Minister noted that the frozen assets of russia, which amount to about 350 billion euros, can be distributed between Ukraine, Poland, and the EU countries according to the needs of the peoples.
"The issue of the need to build a new fund was also raised. I pointed to one relatively easy source: the russian federation's frozen assets. They amount to about 350 billion euros. Today there is an opportunity to get these funds for Ukraine's benefit, as well as for the needs of the peoples of the EU and Poland," explained Morawiecki.
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