Delfi writes about it.
"I hope that they (issues – ed.) will never have to be raised, and we will be able to congratulate Ukraine on joining the defense club," Landsbergis said, commenting on the decision of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to submit an official application for Ukraine's membership in NATO in an accelerated manner.
According to the minister, Lithuania supports Ukraine's desire to become a NATO member. Landsbergis noted that many questions would arise if our country, after the victory over russia, does not become part of the Alliance in the future.
"My question is: what would NATO be, and the meaning of NATO be if there was no Ukraine in it? If NATO recognizes that our biggest strategic challenge in the 21st century is the aggressive russian federation, and Ukraine is the only state that won the war against the russian federation, but it remains outside NATO. Then Ukraine becomes more than NATO; it becomes NATO's defender. In some sense, the one that protected NATO from NATO's strategic enemy," the minister noted.
As Landsbergis explains, Ukraine has become a powerful transatlantic state, which after defeating russia, will become a member of NATO and will have solid ties with the USA.
"On the one hand, this is understandable; on the other hand, it shows that the EU and the European continent have not yet been able to become such an anchor that ties the state geopolitically and strategically for many decades. The US is doing that now," the minister added.
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