73% Americans favor US support of Ukraine despite russia’s nuclear threats — poll

Almost three-quarters of Americans support further US aid to Ukraine, despite russia's nuclear threats

The Reuters/Ipsos survey results testify to this, as EP writes.

As reported, during the survey, it was necessary to answer whether it is necessary to continue the support of the United States in providing weapons systems, training, and other military assistance to the government of Ukraine.

Moreover, knowing that because of this, the war may escalate if Ukraine is provided with longer-range weapons that can hit russia.

An online poll of 1,005 Americans found that 73% agreed that the United States should continue to support Ukraine.

Even despite russia's warning that it could use its nuclear arsenal.

Both Democrats and Republicans agreed with this, although there was more support among Biden's allies, 81%, than among Republicans, 66%.

In the latest poll, conducted Oct. 4-5, 66 percent of respondents said Washington should continue providing arms to Ukraine, compared with 51 percent in a similar survey in August.

The poll also found that most Americans – 58% – fear the country heading for nuclear war with russia.

And 65% are concerned that the war may escalate if Ukraine is provided with longer-range weapons capable of striking russia itself.

But the number of Americans who believe that Ukraine's problems are none of America's business and that Washington should not interfere has decreased: 35% expressed this opinion, compared to 40% in August.

It will be recalled that Americans will go to the polls on November 8 for midterm elections that will determine control over Congress and many state governments.

In the latest poll, 68% said they would be more likely to support a candidate who supports continued military aid to Ukraine, and 72% said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports Ukrainian refugees.

We will remind you that NATO has not seen any signs of russia's possible preparations for a nuclear test but continues to monitor the situation closely.

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