EU plastic production finances russia's war in Ukraine
Companies producing plastic packaging consume the lion's share of gas and oil purchased from russia.
In 2020, 38% of gas and 22% of oil in the EU came from russia, but now Europe is actively trying to reduce the use of russian gas by introducing various restrictions on the population. At the same time, 40% of the energy obtained from oil and gas goes to the production of plastic packaging.
According to Anastasia Martynenko, head of the Zero Waste Society in Ukraine, the use of russian gas by companies means support for russia's war in Ukraine:
"Dependance on unnecessary plastic finances russia's war against Ukraine. Until EU's and Ukraine's decision-makers adopt ambitious legislation to reduce plastic production with clear targets, and business implements it, they will be helping putin's war machine and any existing or future conflicts fueled by resource dependency," Martynenko told Rubryka.