What is the problem?
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, three zoos and 20 shelters have come under fire from the russian army. More than a million wild, domestic, and farm animals died due to hostilities.
What is the solution?
Animal welfare organization UAnimals has launched an online march for World Animal Day to raise money to help shelters.
All funds will be used to purchase feed, and veterinary drugs, pay for treatment and evacuation of animals from combat zones, and repair shelters and rehabilitation centers for victims.
How does it work?
To participate, you need to log in to the UAnimals platform, choose your location, and donate. After that, the participant's photo will appear on the interactive map.
The online march aims to draw society's attention to the ecocide committed by the russian occupiers in Ukraine and raise money to save animals.
This year, UAnimals will hold an Animal Rescue March on October 8 in Warsaw. The campaign will not be held in Ukraine for security reasons.
Reference: UAnimals is an animal protection movement that annually holds marches for animal rights in Ukrainian cities. Since the start of the full-scale invasion, UAnimals has been helping to evacuate animals from frontline areas, buy food for war-torn regions, and help injured animals.
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