Moldova’s President’s party representative: Main way to Transnistria conflict resolution is russia’s military defeat

A forceful solution to the conflict in Transnistria is impossible, and the real main way to a solution is putin's military defeat in Ukraine

Member of the Parliament of Moldova Oazu Nantoi, a representative of the PAS party of Moldova's president, told about this in an interview with EuroPravda.

The parliamentarian believes that even after February 24, a forceful solution to the issue with Transnistria is impossible. In addition, it contradicts the sentiments of Moldovan society.

"There are many components here – citizenship, business, interpersonal ties, family ties… Hollywood scenarios are not needed here when everything has grown together so much," he noted.

The deputy believes that Moldovan society has already "forgotten" about Transnistria, and in public opinion polls, among the problems that concern society, it is mentioned among the last.

"The main way to resolve the conflict and the main security guarantee for the Republic of Moldova is the military defeat of the putin regime.

After that, in partnership with Ukraine, with our friends from the European Union, it is possible to organize the peaceful dismantling of this regime, primarily its power component, eliminate the military presence there and integrate the left bank, which will not resist.

Because people have long been tired of this arbitrariness, of this depressed zone in which they are forced to stay," the deputy says.

Nantoi added that putin's military defeat would be the best security guarantee for Moldova.

I was once asked in a TV program: "Does neutrality protect us?". My answer: "Yes, almost like a prayer," noted Oazu Nantoi.

We will remind that the vice-prime minister of the Moldovan government for reintegration, Oleg Serebryan, stated that Moldova excludes the possibility of granting independence to the self-proclaimed Transnistria, where a contingent of russian troops is stationed.

Опубліковано автором
Альвіна Камінська
Теги: Moldova Events Politics Transnistria

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