
Ukraine calls on Israel to help defend itself against Russian aggression – Yermak

The Ukrainian authorities have called on Israel to do more to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression.

Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian President's Office, wrote this in an article for Israel Hayom.

"In a world saturated with Russian propaganda and disinformation, there are few indisputable truths. But one thing is clear. Israel and Ukraine are fighting the same war, a war against terrorists who seek to eradicate a people. In our hour of ordeal, Ukraine needs committed allies able and willing to share our burden because they know the true value of freedom and peace. And as Jews around the world enter the High Holy Day season and reflect on the prior year, their personal journeys, their shortcomings, and their growth, we call on Israel to also reflect and choose to do more to help Ukraine defend our ways of life and life itself," Yermak said.

According to him, Ukraine is deeply saddened by the need to advise against travel to Uman for the Rosh Hashanah holiday, a painful reminder of the unacceptable price of unprovoked aggression unleashed by the terror state of Russia. "Since the war began in February, Russia has accepted Iranian drones for use against the Ukrainian people. The Kremlin has also continued to warmly host the senior leaders of Hamas, even as recently as this month, yet Israel has continued permitting flights to Moscow. It is time for Israel to pause for self-reflection and break ties to the wicked and barbaric Russian state," Yermak said.

As Russia indiscriminately bombed Kharkiv, the Jewish community only survived by a miracle. In late February, the Russian terrorist state was shelling the center of Ukraine's second city, home to a vibrant Hillel House and Or Avner day school.

"The fact that these pillars of the Jewish community were targeted was of no concern for the aggressor," he said.

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