Solutions to win: method to calculate war damage to land and soils

Ukraine's Ministry of Ecology launched a method to calculate the damage to land and soil due to hostilities, the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine reports.

What is the problem?

Since the first days of the war, russian troops have caused colossal damage to Ukraine's environment. Our natural resources are mercilessly destroyed, critical infrastructure facilities are destroyed, and oil depots, gas stations, factories, plants, and warehouses are burning.

What is the solution?

The enemy must pay in full and compensate for the damage. That is why, at the beginning of March, the State Inspectorate created an operational headquarters to form a single register of damages caused to the environment by the occupier.

To calculate damages, present them and recover them in the future from the aggressor, the environmental specialists together with the Ministry of Ecology have developed a unique Method for determining the amount of damage caused to land and soil as a result of emergencies and armed aggression and military operations during martial law.

This document prescribes the procedure for determining damage and calculating it. In addition, the method applies to all lands of Ukraine, regardless of their categories and forms of ownership.

How does it work?

How specialists of the State Environmental Inspectorate will determine the degree of pollution and the amount of contamination of the land plot and soil:

  • they will survey land plots;
  • will analyze the data of remote sensing;
  • will carry out instrumental and laboratory research of selected soil samples;
  • will process the conclusions of examinations, explanations, certificates, documents, materials, information, and operational messages from individuals and legal entities.

It is noted that if you witnessed an environmental crime caused by the war, you should report it to the Headquarters of the State Inspectorate:

  • Hotline phone +380 (96) 756-83-66 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber)
  • Telegram chatbot @EcoShkodaBot
  • Email
  • Website

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