This is reported by the EP.
In particular, russian Ambassador Sergey Andreev was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland. He appeared at the ministry before lunch. Andreev's visit to the Polish Foreign Ministry was short. He was given a clear signal – Poland does not recognize the kremlin's latest steps related to the war in Ukraine.
"Today, the ambassadors of the russian federation in the countries of the European Union are summoned. We also summoned the ambassador to express our position on the illegal decisions of president putin regarding the same illegal annexation of the territories of Ukraine, as well as on what has been happening for a long time, but last week in a very decisive way," said the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland Lukasz Jasina.
As he noted, it was also about the formulation by the russian federation of "threats to peace in the whole world, including our country."
Lithuania also summoned the russian Chargé d'affaires Sergei Ryabokon. In addition to the protest in connection with the annexation of the territories of Ukraine, Vilnius decided to declare the diplomat persona non grata since Ryabokon's latest actions and statements are incompatible with his diplomatic status, and can be considered interference in the internal affairs of the host country and, accordingly, are a violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic relations.
russia's ambassador to Italy, Sergei Razov, also arrived on Monday at the host country's foreign ministry after being summoned to a meeting with the ministry's general secretary, Ettore Cecchi.
As explained by the Italian mass media, the call was made as part of an initiative that Italy agreed with its European partners to inform it that Rome does not recognize moscow's statement on annexing areas of Ukraine occupied by russian troops.
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