That's according to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba.
"The future of the Euro-Atlantic space is being decided in Ukraine. Euro-Atlantic security is impossible without Ukraine's victory," the top diplomat said.
The minister is convinced that Ukraine's appeal to NATO changes the logic and dynamics of the Euro-Atlantic integration process for his country.
"The situation has fundamentally changed. And even states that are still skeptical about Ukraine's membership in NATO should reconsider their stance under these new circumstances," the chief of Ukrainian diplomacy emphasized.
Dmytro Kuleba recalled that, when Ukraine previously applied for membership in the European Union, the reaction of some capitals, which were traditionally skeptical about the issue, was also extremely restrained.
"But in the end, the application changed the dynamics and logic of the political process, and we received the status of a candidate for EU membership. The current application also changes the logic and dynamics of the process," he noted.
The minister noted that Ukraine today is a state that, despite the raging war, continues to implement reforms, as well as a state that sacrifices its best sons and daughters, protecting democracy.
He noted that now the ball is on NATO's pitch, and if the Alliance decides to define a list of steps that Ukraine needs to complete in order to successfully complete the integration process, the country is ready to take them.
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