
US will continue to support Ukraine in liberating its territories – Biden

The United States of America (USA) condemned russia's fraudulent attempt to annex sovereign Ukrainian territory. Washington will continue to support Ukraine in its struggle to liberate its lands.

US President Joe Biden said this in a statement.

"The United States will always honor Ukraine's internationally recognized borders. We will continue to support Ukraine's efforts to regain control of its territory by strengthening its hand militarily and diplomatically, including through the $1.1 billion in additional security assistance the United States announced this week," the White House press service says.

According to Biden, today's annexation of Ukrainian territories has no legitimacy whatsoever. The United States will always respect Ukraine's internationally recognized borders and provide military and diplomatic assistance to Ukraine in its struggle to liberate occupied lands.

The US president also noted that Washington would announce additional aid to Ukraine of 1.1 billion dollars this week.

The US and its allies announced new sanctions in response to the annexation.

"These sanctions will impose costs on individuals and entities — inside and outside of Russia — that provide political or economic support to illegal attempts to change the status of Ukrainian territory. We will rally the international community to both denounce these moves and to hold Russia accountable. We will continue to provide Ukraine with the equipment it needs to defend itself, undeterred by Russia's brazen effort to redraw the borders of its neighbor," the president noted.

The head of the White House added that he expects Congress to sign a law providing Ukraine with an additional $12 billion in support and called on the international community to respond to russia's illegal annexation attempts.

We will remind you that on September 30, the russian dictator vladimir putin signed decrees on the "joining" of the partially occupied Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk, and occupied Luhansk regions of Ukraine to the russian federation.

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