Yurii Sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the Kherson Regional Council, wrote about this on Facebook.
"In the last two weeks, the occupiers have intensified filtration measures against the patriotic population of the Kherson region," the report says.
Sobolevskyi reported that the invaders are detaining volunteers of humanitarian centers which continued to work in the volume possible under these conditions, detaining people suspected of painting patriotic inscriptions and distributing leaflets, and farmers who refused to re-register their business to invaders' "jurisdiction."
Sobolevsky called on the residents of the region to observe maximum caution.
As reported, the invaders disconnected the Internet and mobile communications from Ukrainian operators in the Kherson Region; they have blocked "green corridors," evacuation, kidnapped residents, and robbed them.
In the Kherson region, the invaders are threatening to take away business from those who refuse to "re-register" it in the so-called tax office to obtain russian passports.
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