Ukraine’s POW hotline received over 2,000 surrender appeals from russians

The I Want To Live project, which informs the russian military about the possibility of laying down their arms and saving their lives, has received more than 2,000 applications from soldiers of the russian army or their relatives.

Vitalii Matvienko, the speaker of the I Want To Live project of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, announced this at a briefing of representatives of the Security and Defense Forces, Ukrinform reports.

"We received more than 2,000 appeals. Both servicemen of the russian army and their relatives are calling, who want their sons or husbands to stay alive," Matvienko said.

According to him, Ukraine guarantees russian service members who surrender to captivity maintenance per the norms of the Geneva Conventions.

In particular, we are talking about three meals a day, medical assistance, and the opportunity to contact relatives in the territory of the russian federation or the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and the ORDLO.

Matvienko noted that I Want To Live is a state project designed to help service members from the russian federation to surrender safely to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"It was created specifically for russian servicemen who do not want to carry out putin's criminal orders, as well as participate in this war," the project's spokesperson emphasized.

To receive information on how to surrender to a prisoner of war, russian service members or their relatives and friends should contact the 24-hour hotline at the following numbers: +38 066 580 34 98; +38 093 119 29 84.

Information about the surrender in russian is also available on the I Want To Live Telegram channel.

Vitalii Matvienko expressed his belief that "the fewer russian military personnel are on the battlefield, the better for Ukraine."

 Rubryka's Timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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