The former commander of the US Army in Europe said this in an interview with the LRT media outlet.
"I hope that by the end of this year, the Ukrainian troops will push back the russian troops at the position of February 23, and by the middle of next year, the Ukrainians will be in Crimea," the general noted.
Hodges also noted that the mobilization announced by the russian president shows that dictator vladimir putin is in despair.
The general believes this will not produce the expected results shortly, as training the citizens recruited into the army takes time.
In addition, Hodges doubts that the russians will be able to mobilize 300,000 men.
On September 10, President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the path to the return of all occupied territory is becoming increasingly clear, and Ukraine cannot afford to stop.
On September 14, Zelensky said that Crimea and other territories would be freed from russian invaders. The message was addressed to the residents under occupation.
The Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol noted that the mobilization of Crimeans for the war against Ukraine is a war crime committed by the russian federation against Ukrainian citizens.
It provided recommendations to the peninsula residents in case of serving a summons and being drafted into the russian army.
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