Recently, Rubryka visited a rehabilitation center for birds, which ornithologist Stanislav from Kropyvnytskyi set up in his backyard.
We have collected valuable tips from an ornithologist, including how to evacuate or transport a pet bird properly:
Birds have a sensitive nervous system, so loud explosions, and other sounds frighten them, so they start flying erratically and often crash into walls or cages, get injured and die. To prevent this from happening, purchase appropriate drugs at a veterinary store. In-home use, the doctor advises using the medicine Nekton relax.
It's impossible to evacuate the bird in the cage. The best solution is to build a plywood box that opens and closes. Make ventilation holes in it and install a low fence where the bird can sit. Water is not put in the box, only food.
It is better not to use a shoe box if it is not a budgerigar but a giant bird: in stress, the bird starts to gnaw at everything it sees and can easily chew the cardboard and fly away. In addition, you can accidentally sit on the box or easily damage it with the bird inside.
In addition to food, you can put young tree shoots in the box. "For birds, it's like a salty straw for people. You can gnaw it as much as you want," the doctor advises.
Read the full version of the article about the bird doctor who saves birds at the link.
Photos by Rubryka
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