The meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:00 p.m. Eastern American time (10:00 p.m. Kyiv time), the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations confirmed to Ukrinform.
"It is important for us that the Security Council fulfills its mandate in the context of the development of events related to russia's holding fictitious referendums on the temporarily seized Ukrainian territory," the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in New York noted.
In the official letter with a request to hold a meeting, which the Ukrainian delegation sent the day before to the head of the Security Council, there was a reference to two articles of the UN Charter.
In particular, the letter mentions Article 34, which allows the UN Security Council to investigate a conflict or a situation that may lead to an escalation of the international situation, as well as Article 35 about the opportunity of any state to inform the Council of information about the existence and development of such a situation.
UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemary A. DiCarlois expected to deliver a report during the meeting. Ukraine will also take part in the discussion.
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