Ukraine creates fund to pay reward for information about Russian terrorists

The Justice Initiative Fund (JIF) was created in Ukraine to pay reward for information about Russian terrorists.

The Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security posted the announcement on Telegram.

Stanislav Aseev, a former Ukrainian prisoner of "DPR" terrorists, noted that the fund's team will work together with the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Donation tools can be found on the JIF's website. The whistleblowers will get reward in the most confidential manner.

"JIF is created for decades: we understand that we will be searching for these monsters as long as they exist. But when Russia reaches the level of 1990, and Russians stand in long lines for alcohol, cursing the already dead Putin, the money for these monsters will be a fortune for them. And we need to get it started," Aseev said.

He also noted on Facebook that the American state practice of paying a reward for information about terrorists was taken as a basis.

Currently, the structure is as follows: the team, which is presented on the JIF website and is engaged in public communication of the project; the emerging technical team of analysts, lawyers, programmers, accountants, etc., the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"If you think that it's not the right time for JIF now, just open any profile on our site, for example, this one: a suspect in the murder of a civilian in Kyiv region and repeated rape of his wife in the presence of a minor child. Evil must have a name," Aseev said.

As reported, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated about 56,300 Russian soldiers from February 24 to September 24.

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