Zelensky: Investments in Ukraine will contribute to strengthening world security

Investments will not only support the Ukrainian economy but will also contribute to future peace in Ukraine and the strengthening of world security.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said this during an online conversation with Forbes magazine's content manager Randall Lane within the framework of the Forbes 400 philanthropy summit, the OPU's press service reports.

"Now is the right time for business to invest in Ukraine because the invested funds will not only support the Ukrainian economy but will also contribute to future peace in our country and the strengthening of world security," Zelensky said.

According to him, in addition to the victory over the russian invader, among the priorities of the Ukrainian government is the restoration of the economy and the reconstruction of the country, so it is necessary to implement essential projects now.

Among such projects, the President named the Fast Recovery Plan, which aims to create conditions for the return home of Ukrainians who, fleeing the war, were forced to seek temporary shelter abroad.

According to Zelensky, for Ukraine to be attractive for investments, the authorities are determined to continue creating favorable conditions for doing business, in particular, continue work on eliminating bureaucracy in state institutions, strengthening the fight against corruption, etc.

According to the President, representatives of big business, as well as politicians, can influence the states that, in particular, manufacture air defense systems and facilitate their transfer to Ukraine.

After the conversation, Lane and chef Jose Andres, the founder of the international humanitarian organization World Central Kitchen, announced the honoring of the Ukrainian people with the Forbes 400 Lifetime Achievement Award in the "Heroes" category.

Zelensky thanked for the high honor of courage of Ukrainians and stated that it is also an award for friends and partners of Ukraine.

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