Zelensky calls on US to become Ukraine’s security guarantees leader

The United States of America should encourage other democratic countries to help Ukraine more, particularly with weapons.

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated this during the online participation in the Clinton Global Initiative.

The Office of the President of Ukraine, Politico, and the President's Facebook reported this.

A separate panel of The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting on September 20 was dedicated to Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke with the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton.

Zelensky thanked the US for helping Ukraine and providing weapons. At the same time, he called on the United States to encourage other democratic countries to give more aid to Ukraine.

"They have the artillery we need, the appropriate weapons. And here, politically, the United States could put pressure," Zelensky said.

He added that this issue had been repeatedly discussed with congressional representatives, senators, as well as at the level of presidents.

The President emphasized the importance of preserving the free world's unity in sanctions pressure on the aggressor. This especially applies to those countries where there is russian lobbying.

He states, "It is vital not to lose a united Europe, and then the combined volume of these sanctions will hit Russia's military-industrial complex and the economy." Russians will feel the consequences of aggressive war with their wallets.

According to Zelensky, the most crucial sanction that must be applied to russia is to recognize it as a state sponsor of terrorism.

The head of state noted that the USA is an indicator of democracy for the entire civilized world, to which other countries compare. Therefore, it is vital for Ukraine that they remain leaders in our support and pressure on Russia.

"When the US gives Ukraine artillery, other countries support us and provide it. When the US designates (the country – ed.) a sponsor of terrorism, the democracies of Europe will also support this initiative. Therefore, when you ask me how the United States can help, it is to be a leader," the President emphasized.

Zelensky called on world leaders to abandon neutrality in the war against Ukraine.

"You cannot vacillate between good and evil, light and dark. You have to choose a side. Every subject, every state is open, free. So they can choose a side, but they can't be in the middle," Zelensky emphasized.

The President said that the US and the world community should force russia to sit at the negotiating table after its troops leave the territory of Ukraine.

He also noted that the Ukrainian side recently presented recommendations on security guarantees for Ukraine prepared by an international working group led by Andrii Yermak and former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

The President spoke in favor of such partners as the USA, Great Britain, and EU countries being included in the circle of guarantors of Ukraine's security.

"I think it is crucial that the USA become the first country to sign these security guarantees with the Ukrainian side," he summarized.

Subsequently, Zelensky called his communication with Clinton sincere and productive.

Read Rubryka's timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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