The sweep will cover only those citizens who are in military reserve, primarily those who have served in the ranks of the armed forces, having acquired certain military accounting specialties and relevant experience, said the Russian president.
Putin said that conscripts would undergo additional military training before being sent to their bases.
He also stated that Russia would recognize the outcome of the "referenda" on "accession to Russia", which the leaders of the "LPR/DPR" and local collaborators in Kherson and Zaporizhia regions decided to hold this month.
As reported, in the weaker of Ukraine's counteroffensive in Ukraine's east, "LPR/DPR" leaders and collaborators in the Russian-captured territories of Kherson and Zaporizhia regions said they would hold "referenda," scheduling them for September 23-27.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said that any such illegitimate "referendum" will be null and void, and called on international partners to strongly condemn Russia's intention to hold an illegal vote, introduce new sanctions, and recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Leaders of Western powers have already declared that they will not recognize the outcomes of sham referenda.
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