This was stated by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Marija Pejčinović Burić, EP writes.
The announced so-called "referendums" in the Ukrainian territories occupied by russian troops are a further escalation of the conflict and a continuing violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Such "referendums" held under the muzzles of machine guns of the occupying forces and in violation of basic democratic principles cannot be accepted or recognized," the Secretary General of the Council of Europe emphasized.
She emphasized that the Council of Europe "rejects this mockery of democracy and confirms its commitment to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders."
She once again called for an end to the war and a return to peace in Europe.
Earlier, the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that the European Union and its member states would never recognize the results of pseudo-referendums in the occupied territories of Ukraine.
And additional sanctions may be introduced against russia.
We will remind that the invaders are planning to hold pseudo-referendums on the accession to Russia of the captured territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions from September 23 to 27.
As Rubryka reported, the so-called "public chambers" of the "LPR" and "DPR" demanded to immediately initiate "referendums" on recognizing them as subjects of the russian federation.
The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, emphasized that despite the efforts of the russian federation to hold pseudo-referendums on the annexation of the occupied Ukrainian territories, Ukraine will continue to release them.
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