President’s Office believes russia’s blackmail with “mobilization” and “referendums” will not work

russia threatens to hold so-called "referendums" in the occupied territories, as well as to announce mobilization

Andriy Yermak, the head of the President's Office, reminded about this on Telegram.

However, the head of the OPU believes that Ukraine will solve the "russian issue" and eliminate the threat by force.

"Naive blackmail with threats and horror stories of "referendums," "mobilizations" from those who know how to fight only with children and civilians.

This is what the fear of defeat looks like. The enemy is afraid and primitively manipulates.

Ukraine will solve the russian issue. The threat can only be eliminated by force," Yermak emphasized.

We will remind that on September 19, the so-called "public chambers" of the "LPR" and "DPR" demanded to immediately initiate "referendums" on recognizing them as subjects of the russian federation.

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the russian federation, Dmytro Medvedev, is convinced of the need to hold pseudo-referendums in the occupied parts of Donbas and join them to russia. This will allow the invaders to talk about an attack on the russian federation in the event of a continuation of hostilities.

Later, the collaborators of the Kherson region, following the militants of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, advocated an urgent holding of a "referendum" on joining the russian federation.

As Rubryka reported, russia's State Duma voted to introduce the concepts of "mobilization" and "wartime" into the Criminal Code.

It also adopted a draft law on desertion responsibility during mobilization or wartime.

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