Photo: Twitter/Rafael Grossi
This is stated in the IAEA press release.
"The situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant remains fragile and precarious. Last week, we saw some improvements regarding its power supplies, but today we were informed about a new setback in this regard. The plant is located in the middle of a war zone, and its power status is far from safe and secure. Therefore, a nuclear safety and security protection zone must urgently be established there," Grossi said.
The head of the IAEA also commented on yesterday's russian shelling of the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant.
"While we have recently focused on the urgent need for action to prevent a nuclear accident at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant – establishing an IAEA presence there earlier this month – today's explosion near the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant all too clearly demonstrates the potential dangers also at other nuclear facilities in the country," Director General Grossi said. "Any military action that threatens nuclear safety and security is unacceptable and must stop immediately," he said.
As reported yesterday, a russian missile fell 300 meters from the reactors of the South Ukrainian NPP.
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