It is stated in the resolution adopted on September 15, EP reports.
The Parliament strongly condemned reports of atrocities committed by the Armed Forces of the russian federation, their accomplices, and the occupation authorities in Ukraine.
In their resolution, the MEPs note, in particular, the forcible deportation of Ukrainian civilians, including children, to the russian federation, as well as the disgusting practice of the russian federation in the so-called "filtration camps," which separates families and leads to the disappearance of Ukrainians.
Members of the European Parliament called on the russian federation to fully comply with its obligations under international law and to immediately stop the forcible deportation and forced transfer of Ukrainian citizens to the russian federation and the territories occupied by the russian federation.
They also demand an end to all forced transfers of children and any adoptions of children moved across Ukraine's internationally recognized borders.
Deputies emphasized that forced displacement is a war crime and a potential crime against humanity.
In August, the US State Department called on the russian federation to immediately stop the practice of "filtration camps" for Ukrainians and forced deportations after the publication of an expert report, which once again documented such practices of the russian federation in the occupied territories.
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