This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health.
As noted, the patient is currently undergoing inpatient hospital treatment. The person is reported to be having mild symptoms of the disease.
As noted, the patient is currently undergoing inpatient hospital treatment. The person is reported to be having mild symptoms of the disease.
This is fresh news. The report will be updated.
"It was possible to diagnose the disease thanks to a PCR test run by the Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Epidemiological investigation of the specified case is currently underway. According to the patient, he had no contact with monkeypox patients and neither did he travel abroad. Nevertheless, the appearance of symptoms of the disease and the preliminary results of the epidemiological anamnesis collection indicate that the patient was infected in one of the country's major cities," the statement reads.
The Ministry of Health noted that among the symptoms, the patient has a fever and a rash on their body.
In order to preserve the patient's comfort, the region where the case was confirmed is not being disclosed.
As reported, the Los Angeles Department of Health, together with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, confirmed the first monkeypox death in the United States.
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