Zeit reports this.
In addition, 200 rockets for multiple-launch rocket systems will be transferred, Lambrecht said in Berlin.
Before that, Germany handed over three Mars II multiple rocket launchers to Ukraine.
The Dingo general defense transport vehicle is an armored aero-mobile and armed wheeled vehicle for patrol and surveillance.
It should be recalled that at the beginning of September, it became known that the German government refused to supply Ukraine with Dingo cars, of which the Bundeswehr has more than 500 units. Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk said he "cannot understand this refusal of the government."
"We would need these German Dingo vehicles, especially for a vital counteroffensive in the Kherson area to save the lives of soldiers who, unfortunately, mostly have to move on foot," he said.
"That's why I call on Minister of Defense Lambrecht to supply Ukraine with part of the 500 available armored transport vehicles of full protection already in September. This will definitely not be a robbery of the Bundeswehr," he added.
At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, insists on a quick decision on the supply of German battle tanks to Ukraine.
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