russian soldiers are fleeing, massively looting along the way – Ukraine’s intelligence

Due to the Ukrainian Defense Forces' successful counteroffensive in the Kharkiv direction, the occupiers are trying to escape deep into the temporarily captured territories. Some of them are trying to cross the border with russia and leave for russia's Belgorod Oblast.

Ukraine's Defense Intelligence reports.

According to them, during the escape, the occupiers are engaged in mass looting, loading generators, telephones, and computers from Ukrainians onto their cars. Even horizontal bars and sports equipment are taken out of gyms. Rare cases of school robberies have been recorded.

"In one of the villages, the ruscists stole a bus and abandoned it 6 kilometers away. Thirty-six bodies of the occupiers were found in it. The personnel of the units of the so-called 'DNR' [Donetsk People's Republic], which until recently were stationed in Izium, had to retreat 60 kilometers from the city due to the lack of ammunition replenishment and fuel. Their relatives are shocked by the stories about the offensive in Ukraine, as the opposite information is voiced in the russian mass media about russia's successful offensive," the report states.

As Rubryka reported earlier, the liberation of settlements in the Kharkiv region continues.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) also said in its report for September 11 that the Ukrainian defenders quickly recaptured almost the entire territory of the Kharkiv region.

"Ukrainian forces have inflicted a major operational defeat on Russia, recapturing almost all Kharkiv Oblast in a rapid counter-offensive. The Ukrainian success resulted from skillful campaign design and execution that included efforts to maximize the impact of Western weapons systems such as HIMARS. Kyiv's long discussion and then an announcement of a counter-offensive operation aimed at Kherson Oblast drew substantial Russian troops away from the sectors on which Ukrainian forces have conducted decisive attacks in the past several days," the report reads.

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