
IAEA head called for immediate creation of a “security zone” around ZNPP

Power outages at the Zaporizhzhia NPP increase the risk of an accident, so it is necessary to create a "safety zone" around it immediately.

It was stated by the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi.

Grossi reports that he has heard from members of the IAEA mission still on the station that Enerhodar was completely de-energized last night due to the shelling. With the increasing intensity of the shelling, it is unlikely to be able to be restored for much longer.

Therefore, he called for an immediate end to shelling in the area of ​​the occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP and the creation of a "safety zone" around it, stressing that interruptions in the plant's power supply increase the risk of an accident.

"The IAEA understands that the operator, with no certainty, that external power will be restored, is considering shutting down the only operating reactor. The entire plant will then completely depend on diesel generators to maintain functions vital to nuclear safety. The operator will not be able to restart reactors until the external power supply is reliably restored," Grossi notes.

He also emphasizes that with increasingly difficult living conditions for the residents of Enerhodar, there is a risk that the station will begin to lack employees who are critically needed for its safe operation.

"This dramatic development shows the absolute necessity of creating a nuclear safety zone. This is the only way to guarantee that a nuclear accident will not occur," Rafael Grossi emphasized.


Currently, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant operates as only one power unit, providing the NPP's own electricity needs.

On September 5, due to a fire caused by russian shelling, the last power transmission line connecting the Zaporizhzhia NPP node to Ukraine's power system was shut down; power unit No. 6, which supplies the station's own needs, was disconnected from the network.

If there is a need to shut down the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), power unit No. 6 will be shut down, but the State Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission does not consider this a priority scenario.

ZNPP is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. The russian military captured it on March 4, and since then, the invaders have been placing military equipment and ammunition on the station site, as well as shelling the surrounding area.

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