German government refuses to supply Dingo armored cars to Ukraine – Bild

The German government refused to supply Ukraine with Dingo armored cars, of which the Bundeswehr has more than 500 units.

Bild reports this, citing a secret document circulating in the German Ministry of Defense last week.

"Vehicles of the Dingo type are used for training and participation in exercises and operations. A possible transfer was already considered at an early stage of the war in Ukraine but was rejected due to needs," the document says.

According to the publication, at the beginning of March, Ukraine had already submitted specific requests for the supply of Dingo and Fennek armored vehicles from the Bundeswehr's stocks but received a quick refusal.

The Bundeswehr currently operates more than 700 armored vehicles, but none are used in combat operations.

Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany Andrii Melnyk said he "cannot understand the government's refusal."

"We would need these German Dingo vehicles, especially for a vital counteroffensive in the Kherson region to save the lives of soldiers who, unfortunately, mostly have to move on foot," he said.

"That's why I call on Minister of Defense Lambrecht to supply Ukraine with part of the 500 available armored transport vehicles of full protection already in September. This will not be a robbery of the Bundeswehr," he added.

Earlier, Rubryka reported that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz rejected Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal's request for additional heavy weapons. What was meant, in particular, was that he rejected to provide the most modern Leopard 2 tanks by German industry.

Read Rubryka's timeline of war: current news on Ukraine's defense against russia's aggression.

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