Britain’s new government: Truss will introduce government, Johnson will make farewell speech

On Tuesday, there will be a change of government in Britain after the Conservative Party elected a new leader

The BBC writes about it.

The media outlet reported that Prime Minister Boris Johnson would deliver his farewell speech in the morning.

Immediately afterward, he will travel to Balmoral, the royal residence in Scotland, where he will announce his resignation to the Queen.

Soon after, Truss, also at Balmoral, would be appointed the new Prime Minister.

The pair will then head back to London, and Liz Truss, the former foreign secretary, will step into a new role in Downing Street.

Later that day, Truss is likely to begin announcing his cabinet appointments.

The BBC points out that the current Education Secretary James Cleverly is expected to take over as Foreign Secretary.

It should be recalled that on September 5, it became known that Liz Truss won the elections for the leader of the Conservative Party and will become the new prime minister.

She will take office on September 6 after being appointed by the Queen. Truss won the British Conservative vote.

Liz Truss won 81,326 votes from Conservative Party members, while former finance minister Rishi Sunak won 60,399 votes.

This way, Truss will become the third woman in the prime minister's position in Britain's history, after Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May. She will replace Boris Johnson.

As Rubryka reported, Zelensky expressed hope that the new British prime minister would preserve Johnson's "legacy."

"I sincerely hope that Boris's legacy in this fight against russian barbarism will be preserved," Zelensky said in the post.

The President of Ukraine also praised Boris Johnson for Ukraine's quick and decisive support in the war with the aggressor.

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