It was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaker, Oleh Nikolenko.
Today, the Hungarian minister said that the war in Ukraine has led to a catastrophic weakening of Europe and the European Union.
"We must tell the truth that EU leaders failed to protect people in Europe from paying for a war for which they are not responsible at all," he emphasized.
At the same time, Nikolenko noted that the truth is that Budapest's attempts to destroy internal unity lead to the weakening of the EU.
"russian aggression is hybrid. It is not limited to only the military component. The russians attack Ukrainian cities and villages with missiles and tanks and the EU countries with sky-high gas prices and propaganda. We will remind you that russia has started blackmailing European consumers with supplies of energy resources and a high price tag since November 2021 — three months before the start of a full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine," he said.
He also noted that russia's attack on Ukraine is an attack on the entire democratic world, democratic values, and the right to be yourself and to determine your own future.
"It is useless to hope that you will be able to sit back; to pretend that what is tearing your neighbor to pieces does not concern you. It cannot be so only because there are more than 150,000 Ukrainians of Hungarian origin living on the territory of Ukraine, whose care Budapest is systematically emphasizing. History will put everything in its place. The names of those who were on the side of good and those who were on the side of evil will be written in textbooks," Nikolenko added.
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