The BBC reports this.
After all, these objects are currently under threat.
After Ukraine's Minister of Culture Oleksandr Tkachenko's meeting with the Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, in Paris, the organization said that it had mobilized experts so that Ukraine's application could be urgently considered by the member countries of the World Heritage Committee.
UNESCO also wants to include Odesa in the list of World Heritage Sites under threat and to add Kyiv and Lviv, which are already World Heritage Sites, to this list.
The organization noted that Odesa is located several dozen kilometers from the front line, and the city has already been subjected to artillery fire.
We will remind you that in July, part of the large glass roof and windows of the Odesa Museum of Fine Arts, which opened in 1899, was destroyed by russian shelling.
UNESCO will finance the museum's renovation work, help digitize the works of art, and provide equipment to protect them.
The historical center of Odesa is already on the preliminary list ("candidate list") of UNESCO, the city's mayor explained.
Suppose Odesa is included in the list of World Heritage. In that case, the organization will be able to provide security guarantees to cultural monuments and protect the city's historical center from hostilities.
"A wonderful city, deeply connected to Italy throughout history, now risking destruction. Act now to inscribe it as UNESCO World Heritage," Franceschini wrote.
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