German Chancellor offered support for Ukraine’s air defense and artillery development

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz suggested that Germany could help Ukraine build artillery and air defense forces in coordination with other Western allies.

As reported by Spiegel and Tagesspiegel, he said this during a public speech in Prague.

Scholz noted that they had just agreed on a new package of military aid for Ukraine worth 600 million euros (the EU is likely talking about military assistance since the meeting of defense ministers is taking place in the Czech Republic – note by the EP), and emphasized that support for Ukraine should be constant and stable

"For example, Germany could prioritize support for the development of air defense and artillery of the Armed Forces… We must quickly agree on such a system of coordinated support, for it to be… reliable, and, most importantly, last as long as necessary," the federal chancellor said.

He said that, together with the Netherlands, Germany has already initiated the distribution of such work among all partners of Ukraine.

Scholz also spoke in favor of creating a joint air defense system with European neighbors, noting that it would contribute to common security and be cheaper and more effective than if each country were to strengthen this direction separately.

In addition, in his speech, the chancellor spoke in favor of EU expansion and the membership of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia.

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