Most Ukrainian IT companies not planning to close their business

More than 50% of IT companies in Ukraine have not relocated and switched to remote work. Some companies have partially returned to office work.

That's according to the IT Ukraine association.

According to a study entitled "Relocation. The new IT landscape of Ukraine," 25% of surveyed IT companies have not relocated and continued to work remotely. Another 30% said they had also refused to move to safe regions and used a mixed format of work – remote work and partial work from the office.

Among the IT companies that relocated, relocation within Ukraine prevails (45%). Some 42% of companies partially relocated abroad, including 5% that closed part of their offices in Ukraine. None of the surveyed IT companies carried out a complete relocation abroad. Relocation is largely considered by IT companies as a forced step for the period of the war, or at least its active phase.

Among the surveyed IT companies, none has the intention to completely close down business in Ukraine. In the perspective until the end of 2022, the majority of IT companies (63%) do not plan partial or full relocation. Only 14% of respondents are considering relocation abroad by the end of the year partly or in full. Some companies (23%) plan to combine relocation abroad and within Ukraine. So overall, a total of 37% of companies consider relocation by the end of this year as a possible option. If the situation in the country does not change significantly, it can be expected that this indicator will increase.

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