On the eve of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence in August 2021, the research company Gradus Research conducted a survey about how Ukrainians see Ukraine in the future. A year has passed, a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for six months, and we once again asked people what they envision their country to be like in the future. The results of the survey demonstrate the unbreakable faith of Ukrainians and great love for their country.
Despite the fact that the war has been going on in the country for six months, which has a serious negative impact on all areas of people's lives, three quarters of Ukrainians (72%) believe that they will be able to have a better life in the future. In peacetime, a year ago, 62% of citizens thought so.
A special increase in the number of "optimists" is observed among the population aged 45-60, although usually representatives of this age group are mostly more sceptical.
The percentage of people who would prefer their children to live in Ukraine has grown significantly. Currently, this indicator is 72%, while in August 2021 it was 48%. And this once again proves that Ukrainians sincerely believe in a better future at home.
Accordingly, the number of Ukrainians who want their children to live abroad decreased (from 26% in 2021 to 10% in 2022). The United States of America, France and other countries of the European Union are in the top of the countries in which children's future is imagined.
Resistance to the Russian invasion, for which the world gave Ukraine 3 days, and which has been going on for six months, as well as the fact that our country finally received the status of a candidate and began the path to joining the EU, are highlighted by Ukrainians as the greatest achievements of the past year.
Due to the full-scale invasion of Russia, there are no places left in Ukraine where people can feel safe. Half a year of life under constant threat is indicated: fatigue and tension prevail among the conditions. The calm that prevailed last year is now tending to zero. But hope does not leave our fellow citizens.
Naturally, the level of subjective stress continues to be high. If in May 2020 this was declared by 77% of Ukrainians, now it is 84%.
This leads to an increase in the level of paternalism in society. More Ukrainians entrust the state with responsibility for their own well-being (48%) and the achievement of order, for which they believe that strict control and regulation by the state is acceptable — this is the opinion of 41% of respondents.
The number of citizens who are ready to compromise their own interests in the sake of public harmony has doubled (from 14% to 28%).
"We can say that we have developed as a nation. Ukrainians are extremely open to each other now, willingly involved in mutual aid and support of the state. More and more citizens see their future in Ukraine and want to raise their children here. We pay a high price for the right to be an independent Ukraine, and we do it consciously," comments Evgeniya Bliznyuk, founder and director of the research company Gradus Research.
The survey was conducted by the research company Gradus Research using the method of self-filling the questionnaire in the mobile application. The Gradus online panel displays the population structure of cities with more than 50,000 residents at the age of 18-60 by gender, age, settlement size and region. Survey period: July 21, 2021 / August 19-20, 2022. Sample size: 1000 / 1000 respondents.
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