Increased concentration of dust in the air: why it is dangerous and what russia has to do with it

On August 22, most regions of Ukraine reported an increased level of air pollution. The main reason is an increased concentration of suspended particles (dust) in the atmospheric air.

Namely, solid particles PM10. The number indicates their diameter – 10 micrometers. For comparison: human hair is, on average, 50 to 70 μm in diameter, as reported by the KMDA.

Other pollutants (nitrogen oxide and dioxide, sulfur oxide, ozone, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide) were within normal limits. The indicators of the radiation background were also within normal numbers.

Experts noted that air movement occurred from the southeastern direction, particularly from the Poltava and Donetsk regions, as well as from the territory of russia (Volgograd, Astrakhan, Caspian Sea). The polluter came from there.

Why is dust dangerous? Short-term exposure to PM10 can cause breathing problems, coughing, eye, nose, and throat irritation, fatigue, and general discomfort. Particles can enter the lungs and, from there, the blood vessels. In the long term, this will contribute to the development of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Allergic manifestations may also worsen – experts of the EcoDia organization noted.

Currently, the air quality has normalized; however, the repetition of similar phenomena cannot be ruled out. You can monitor air quality through the following applications: SaveEcoBot on Telegram and LUN Mysto Air.

To reduce the impact of dust on the body, you should:

  • use air purifiers with filtration from solid particles;
  • wear masks-respirators No. 95, which filter solid particles.

Children, the elderly, and people with heart and lung diseases should especially follow recommendations for reducing exposure to polluted air.

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