
Germany to reduce dependence on russian gas by introducing winter energy-saving measures

The country aims to cut gas use by 2% with new regulations.

This is informed by BBC, Babel reports.

What is the problem? Since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine, more and more countries do not want anything to do with the aggressor. Many international companies left the russian market, closed their business there, and severed all ties. The import of russian energy resources still remains the biggest problem. However, most EU member states have voluntarily committed to reducing gas use by 15% this winter.

What is the solution? The German government has approved a set of energy-saving measures for the winter, limiting the use of lighting and heating. Germany's economy minister said the rules could save private households, companies, and the public sector around €10.8 billion over two years.

How does it work? So, starting in September, public buildings (except for hospitals) will be heated to no more than 19 degrees Celsius, and heating may be completely turned off in entrances, corridors, and lobbies. Public monuments and buildings will also not be illuminated, and businesses may be prohibited from lighting up their shops at night.

Römer Square in Frankfurt am Main

Heating of private pools may also be prohibited. And the country will prioritize coal and oil cargo over rail passenger transportation, which means passengers will have to wait.

Germany also plans to run advertising campaigns to tell residents how they can reduce their own consumption. And amid fears of winter shortages, the country is building two LNG terminals on the North Sea coast to improve storage.

Will it really work? German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that his country wants to "free itself as quickly as possible from the grip of Russian energy imports." But he added: " "Overall the [new] measures save energy. However, not to the extent that we can sit back and say, 'That'll do now.'"

Such government decisions are part of efforts to reduce the country's dependence on russian gas. Before russia invaded Ukraine, Germany received 55% of its gas from the russian federation, but now it has reduced this share to 35% and has promised to stop imports completely. Nevertheless, Germany remains a massive market for moscow and paid almost €9 billion for russian oil and gas in the first two months of the full-scale war.

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