Belgium to allocate €8 million for non-lethal aid to Ukrainian Armed Forces

At the request of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Hadja Lahbib, the Federal Council of Ministers decided that the country would provide 8 million euros to support the Ukrainian armed forces through NATO.

It was reported by the press service of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Hadja Lahbib.

"Our country will make a voluntary contribution to the so-called NATO trust fund "Comprehensive Assistance Package" (CAP), which provides non-lethal support to Ukraine," the message reads.

In particular, a comprehensive non-lethal care package includes first aid equipment and winter clothing.

If necessary, the state can provide night vision goggles and pharmaceuticals.

It is noted that Belgium's contribution is the result of the decision of the heads of state and governments of NATO member countries at the Alliance meeting in Madrid at the end of June. There, on behalf of a number of countries, including Belgium, it was decided that non-lethal support to the Ukrainian armed forces through the CAP Trust Fund would be significantly expanded to enable Ukraine to resist russian aggression and prepare for post-war reconstruction.

It is understood that the CAP Trust Fund was initially established in 2016 following russia's annexation of Crimea and consolidated and strengthened various NATO initiatives in support of Ukraine as a partner country and potential member.

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