russians took all of region’s 200,000 tons of grain to russia – Luhansk governor

The russian invaders took all 200,000 tons of grain that they collected in the fields of the Luhansk region to russia

Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram of the Head of the Luhansk regional military administration, Serhii Haidai. He obtained this information from the deputy director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Luhansk region, Liubov Bezkorovaina.

"russians exported all 200,000 tons of grain collected in the Agrotona fields from the Luhansk region to russia.

According to the information of farmers forced to stay in the occupied territory, the situation in the region's agriculture is approaching catastrophic," the governor noted.

According to Bezkorovaina, this year, the Luhansk region expected the largest harvest of all years, hoping to surpass the record year of 2021.

Monitoring of PJSC Agroton showed that the yield was up to 60 t/ha in some fields.

She noted that agrarians had done a lot of work to increase yields, but invaders were now harvesting Ukrainian grain.

Bezkorovaina added that many agricultural enterprise managers left for safe Ukraine regions and re-registered their businesses. But some went to cooperate with russia and betrayed their partners.

In particular, LLC Nibulon and PJSC Agroton, which were the social support of the region, were taken over by an entrepreneur from Krasnodar, having an authorized capital of 2,000 rubles.

Bezkorovaina also emphasized that Agroton had 20,000 tons of last year's harvest left at the beginning of the year. Currently, another 200,000 tons are collected in the agricultural company's fields in the Luhansk region's territory, but all of this has been exported to russia.

In the same way, the invaders stole all the Nibulon products.

Haidai emphasized that now the agrarians of the Luhansk region cooperate with international organizations that can trace the entire route of the transportation of stolen grain. This information will be transferred to international courts.

The head of the region also reported that at the moment, there are still winter crops left in some fields because people refuse to work without money.

Also, in some territories, cultivating the land and harvesting crops is almost impossible because the russians have removed all the new equipment. In particular, russians took 40 units of automobile transport from Agroton. Governor Haidai noted that the equipment was tracked using GPS.

Read more about why these species spread in Ukraine and why there will be more of them due to russia's war.

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