Energoatom: Due to fire, ZNPP was completely disconnected from power grid, first time in history

Today, August 25, 2022, due to fires near the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the plant was disconnected from the power grid

Rubryka informs about this, referring to the Energoatom's Telegram.

The company noted that the fire occurred at the Zaporizhzhya NPP ash dumps, next to the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

"Today, August 25, 2022, due to fires at the Zaporizhzhia NPP ash pits, located next to the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the last (fourth) communication line of the ZNPP with the energy system of Ukraine, PL-750 kV Dniprovska, was disconnected twice.

Three other lines of communication were earlier damaged during terrorist attacks.

As a result, two working power units of the station were disconnected from the network. Thus, the actions of the invaders caused a complete disconnection of the ZNPP from the power grid — the first in the history of the plant," Energoatom emphasized.

They added that the energy system of Ukraine currently provides the NPP's own power supply needs through the communication line between the ZNPP and Zaporizhzhia TPP.

There are currently no comments on the operation of automation and security systems. Start-up operations are underway to connect one of the power units to the network.


As you know, russia occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP at the end of February. The situation worsened after the russian occupiers shelled the territory of the Zaporizhzhia NPP twice on August 5.

russia refuses to comply with the calls of both Ukraine and the world community to demilitarize the nuclear plant, under the pretext that it should "protect it" from provocations, and blames Ukraine for the shelling.

The United Nations is ready to facilitate the visit of IAEA inspectors to Zaporizhzhia from Kyiv. Still, the russian federation has previously stated that any mission that will pass through the capital of Ukraine is too dangerous.

On August 23, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of France and russia, Catherine Colonna and Sergey Lavrov held a telephone conversation devoted primarily to the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant captured by the russian occupiers.

A few days earlier, the President of the russian federation, vladimir putin, in a conversation with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, agreed to send the IAEA mission to the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

Read more about why these species spread in Ukraine and why there will be more of them due to russia's war.

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