Preserving Ukraine’s independence and victory: Zelensky’s address on Independence Day

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky addressed Ukrainians on Independence Day

Rubryka reports, referring to the president's video address on the Telegram channel.

"We meet this day in different places. Someone is in trenches and dugouts, in tanks and IFVs, at sea and in the air. They are fighting for independence on the front lines.

Someone is on the road, in cars, trucks, and trains. They fight for independence, delivering what's necessary to those on the front lines.

Someone is on a smartphone or at a computer. And they also fight for independence fundraising so that those on the road have something to bring to the front lines.

We meet this day in different circumstances, conditions, and even in different time zones, but with a single goal to preserve the independence and victory of Ukraine!

We have united. Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!" the president emphasized.

As Rubryka reported, Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhny conveyed congratulations from the Ukrainian military to Ukrainians.

"How can you feel independence? Those who fight for it know its taste.

It is the taste of the soil that eats into the skin. The taste of blood and death permeates the air. The salty taste of tears.

Independence is a responsibility that rests on your shoulders. You lead into battle and know that not everyone will return from it.

Both the living and the dead remain with you forever on your conscience and in your memory," the commander-in-chief quoted the words of Ukrainian defenders.

We will remind you that on August 24, Ukraine celebrates its main holiday, Independence Day.

For the first time, it is being held in conditions of full-scale war, and all celebrations have been canceled due to the threat of missile attacks on Kyiv.

On this day in 1991, Ukrainian politicians signed the Act of Declaration of Independence. They hung their national flag in the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada building, marking their liberation from the Soviet Union.

The national holiday remembers all those who gave their lives for the Motherland, including those who are fighting today.

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