Scholz: world will never recognize russia’s attempts to annex Ukrainian territories

The world did not recognize russia's annexation of Crimea eight years ago, nor does it recognize attempts to annex new Ukrainian territories.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz said this while addressing the participants of the second summit of the Crimea Platform, Ukrinform reports.

"The international community will never accept russia's illegal imperialist annexation of Ukrainian territory We condemn russia's attempts to integrate parts of Ukrainian territories forcefully. Our message is clear: any shameful referendums and other attempts to change the status of parts of Ukrainian territory will never be recognized," the German politician emphasized.

He noted that "such steps will make any negotiations impossible."

russia's unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine has met strong opposition from the Ukrainian people, whose determination and courage are respected worldwide, Scholz said.

Ukraine, he noted, refused to submit to the rule of the strong, a situation where big powers can "swallow" smaller ones whenever they want.

The Summit of the Crimea Platform demonstrates that Ukraine's partners are more united today than ever, Scholz is convinced. He called the holding of the summit more than timely and reminded that today the world commemorates the victims of Stalinism and fascism.

Scholz and his Canadian counterpart, Justin Trudeau, addressed the summit live. The German Chancellor is in Canada on a visit.

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